2014年3月25日 星期二

RDA 實做


  • Title proper 白話本水滸傳(上) 白話本水滸傳(下)

Statement of responsibility

  • Statement of responsibility relating to title proper (if more than one, only the first recorded is required)施耐庵原著,張原編著

Edition statement

  • Designation of edition初版

Publication statement

  • Place of publication (if more than one, only the first recorded is required)台北市
  • Publisher’s name (if more than one, only the first recorded is required)高寶國際
  • Date of publication民99[2010]

Series statement

  • Title proper of series大智系列

Identifier for the manifestation

  • Identifier for the manifestation1 (if more than one, prefer an internationally recognized identifier if applicable)上冊ISBN978-986-185-463-2   下冊ISBN978-986-185-464-9

Carrier type

  • Carrier type文字印刷本

2014年3月11日 星期二


2.1. 讀者的便利性。在對著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式作出抉擇時應該考慮到讀者。

2.1. Convenience of the user. Decisions taken in the making of descriptions and controlled
forms of names for access should be made with the user in mind.
2.2. Common usage. Vocabulary used in descriptions and access should be in accord with that
of the majority of users.
2.3. Representation. Descriptions and controlled forms of names should be based on the way
an entity describes itself.
2.4. Accuracy. The entity described should be faithfully portrayed.
2.5. Sufficiency and necessity. Only those data elements in descriptions and controlled forms
of names for access that are required to fulfil user tasks and are essential to uniquely
identify an entity should be included.
2.6. Significance. Data elements should be bibliographically significant.
2.7. Economy. When alternative ways exist to achieve a goal, preference should be given to
the way that best furthers overall economy (i.e., the least cost or the simplest approach).
2.8. Consistency and standardization. Descriptions and construction of access points should be
standardized as far as possible. This enables greater consistency, which in turn increases
the ability to share bibliographic and authority data.
2.9. Integration. The descriptions for all types of materials and controlled forms of names of all
types of entities should be based on a common set of rules, insofar as it is relevant.



  • 書名:白話本水滸傳(上)
  • ISBN978-986-185-463-2:上冊:平裝:NT$220
  • 出版社:高寶國際出版商
  • 出版年:2010年
  • 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版

  • 書名:白話本水滸傳(下)
  • ISBN978-986-185-464-9:下冊:平裝:NT$220
  • 出版社:高寶國際出版商
  • 出版年:2010年
  • 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版


  • 劇名:水滸傳
  • 出版年:2011年
  • 導演:鞠覺亮
  • 主演:張涵予、李宗翰、胡東、黃海冰、陳龍、景崗山、高虎、嚴寬、安以軒、甘婷婷


  • 書名:水滸傳:漫畫文學經典名著
  • 出版社:風車
  • ISBN:9789862232231
  • 規格:平裝 / 688頁 / 18.8 x 20 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版



  • 書名:白話本水滸傳(上)
  • ISBN978-986-185-463-2:上冊:平裝:NT$220
  • 出版社:高寶國際出版商
  • 出版年:2010年
  • 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版

  • 書名:白話本水滸傳(下)
  • ISBN978-986-185-464-9:下冊:平裝:NT$220
  • 出版社:高寶國際出版商
  • 出版年:2010年
  • 規格:1冊/彩圖/21公分/初版
年終出清降價 方向文化 有聲書 水滸傳 $50元 image0

  • 書名:水滸傳
  • 出版社:方向文化
  • 一書2卡帶

2014年2月25日 星期二

2/19 課堂筆記作業

作品 水滸傳
載體表現 圖書(繪本)
單件 白話本水滸傳
個人 ()施耐庵/箸、張原/改寫
團體 高寶出版社

2014年1月7日 星期二


245 - Title Statement (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise
Title and statement of responsibility area of the bibliographic description of a work.

First - Title added entry
0 - No added entry
No title added entry is made, either because no title added entry is desired or because the title added entry is not traced the same as the title in field 245.
1 - Added entry
Desired title added entry is the same as the title in field 245.
Second - Nonfiling characters
0 - No nonfiling characters
1-9 - Number of nonfiling characters
Subfield Codes
$a - Title (NR)
$b - Remainder of title (NR)
$c - Statement of responsibility, etc. (NR)
$f - Inclusive dates (NR)
Time period during which the entirety of the contents of the described materials were created.
$g - Bulk dates (NR)
Time period during which the bulk of the described materials were created.
$h - Medium (NR)
$k - Form (R)
Term that is descriptive of the form of the described materials, determined by an examination of their physical character, subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information within them (e.g., daybooks, diaries, directories, journals, memoranda, etc.).
$n - Number of part/section of a work (R)
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
$s - Version (NR)
Name, code, or description of a copy of the described materials that was generated at different times or for different audiences.
$6 - Linkage (NR)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

2013年12月17日 星期二


進入正題之前, 有必要先瞭解機讀編目格式的源起, 在變動迅速的電腦及通訊世界裡, 機讀編目
格式能夠屹立三十多年, 而且看不出有任何動搖的跡象, 實在不簡單。
通常以美國國會圖館依機讀編目格式先導計畫, 製出第一筆機讀書目記錄, 當成機讀編目格式的
起點 ─ 1966年10月Avram。
該先導計畫的目標是, 找出標準化的機器可讀書目記錄格式, 然後把資料發送給其他的單位, 在
單機上讀取。經過修訂後的格式, 就是大家熟知的 MARC II, 現在的 USMARC 就是以此為基準
大約同時, 英國國家書目也正進行機讀編目格式的研究, 與美國國會圖書館洽商後, 確信兩機構
之間有交換書目記錄的必要及可能性。雖然編目用語免不了各說各話, 計算字元位置的方式各
不相同, 規定標點符號的發生方式等, 都有些歧異之處, 經過協調後, 整體來說, 兩國之間的機讀
編目格式, 算是大體相容的Long。
很快的, 法國、德國、義大利、加拿大、澳洲等國, 陸續跟進, 發展自己的機讀編目格式, 雖然都
想要保持彼此之間的相容性, 但是基於各國的書目特性及國情所需, 終究愈行愈遠。以加拿大而
言, 對雙語標目及主題的絕對需求, 顯然超過其他國家的想像Cana。
1986年的資料顯示, 已有21個國家圖書館將國家書目以機讀編目格式發行磁帶Inte, 大約有14種
不同的規格。到了1995年, 至少有60個國家的國家圖書館發行該國的磁帶機讀編目格式; 其中,
一半採用 USMARC 格式, 四分之一採用 UNIMARC 格式, 其它的四分之一採用 UK MARC、


2013年12月10日 星期二



1.2010年5月ISBD Review Group 的中國籍委員是誰?
顧犇(Ben Gu) , 在National Library of China服務

The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) specifies the requirements for the description and identification of the most common types of published resources that are likely to appear in library collections. The ISBD also assigns an order to the elements of the description and specifies a system of punctuation for the description.
The provisions of the ISBD relate first to bibliographic records produced by national bibliographic agencies and second to bibliographic records produced by other cataloguing agencies.
The types of resources covered by the ISBD include the following:
cartographic resources
electronic resources
moving images
multimedia resources
notated music resources
printed texts
sound recordings
still images
It is anticipated that national or international committees responsible for preparing codes of cataloguing rules will use the ISBD as the basis for their rules on description of library materials, to describe all aspects of each resource, including its content, its carrier, its medium, and its mode of issuance.
The ISBD is also concerned with resources for use by the visually impaired (e.g. in eye-readable form or in embossed form), and includes those published for limited distribution or for sale on demand.

The primary purpose of the ISBD is to provide the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community.
By specifying the elements that comprise a bibliographic description and by prescribing the order in which those elements should be presented, and secondarily the punctuation by which they should be separated, the ISBD aims to:

1.make records from different sources interchangeable, so that records produced in one country can be easily accepted in library catalogues or other bibliographic lists in any other country;
2.assist in the interpretation of records across language barriers, so that records produced for users of one language can be interpreted by users of other languages;
3.assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to electronic form;
4.enhance interoperability with other content standards.

The title proper is the first element of the area even when it is preceded on the prescribed source of information by statements of responsibility, edition statements, series statements, publication/distribution statements, date, price or other matter that is not title proper information.

A statement of responsibility consists of one or more names, phrases, or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work contained in the resource described.

2013年12月3日 星期二


無法重製的符號(通常既不是數字也不是字母), 可以用文字說明或相當的字母或字詞。這種替代內容置於方括弧內, 必要時, 在附註項說明。
如: / by [E.B.C.]
    附註: 著者的縮寫以音符表示。
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any 
persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual 
or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the 
title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries 
statements) or in conjunction with edition statements 
